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Campus bus system provides solution to transportation woes

Photo: Nichole Grady

Parking on campus is hard. There are not nearly enough parking spaces to accommodate the number of students and staff, and there is a constant fear of receiving a ticket. Many of us live off campus, and although our commute is relatively short compared to the commute into downtown Denver, a significant part of the day is spent in transit to and from campus.

Fortunately, the university has a fantastic off campus transportation system. Last year when I lived in the residence halls, I thought it was pointless to take the bus out to the east parking lot, but now that I live on the north side of town, I have learned to love the bus.

There are buses to accommodate every schedule, from the overly-prepared early birds like my roommate, or people like me who show up at the lot after most parking spots have been taken.

I am always pressed for time. I need every spare second I can get, even if it means walking from the Union. I have an uncanny talent for finding the times where half of campus has class. Sometimes riding the bus feels like playing sardines, but as long as everyone can get to class on time, there are no hurt feelings, even if a few personal bubbles are popped.

Most of the bus drivers greet each passenger with a smile and a quick “how’s your day going?” There is nothing in their job description that says they have to care about the well being of each of their passengers but many of the drivers go above and beyond. It has become a sort of ritual, even if you are tired or you do not speak English, to thank the driver when you step off. In turn, many of the drivers smile and say you are welcome.

Thanks to the armada of bus drivers, getting to and from class is a snap and we can leave with a smile on our faces.

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