“Dear White People,” a new independent satirical film, shines light on a topic many are afraid to talk about: race. As the title suggests, this movie is controversial because it is highly political.
The movie follows black college students who are struggling to find their identities on campus because of common stereotypes that are presented by their Anglo peers. One of the leading characters hosts her show, “Dear White People,” on the school’s radio station as a means to speak about these stereotypes.
Coming out of this movie, there is one question to be answered: Have we achieved a post-racial America, or do we still see race and color? In my opinion, we still see color and race in today’s society. When people look, talk or act differently, we immediately single them out as outsiders.
This claim does not apply to everyone. However, a large number of people in our country and around the world still have racist and prejudice sentiments. YouTube is an excellent place to prove this point. “Dear White People” and other films have received many negative, ignorant and hurtful comments regarding race and sex on YouTube.
Mainstream media and reality TV shows have placed negative stereotypes concerning different races on us. These shows give the wrong impression of other races, misleading the uninformed public. Social media has created a platform for these people to express and share their negative jargon. After the election of President Obama, Twitter exploded with tweets, many containing the “N” word.
College is an interesting and difficult time for everyone, no matter what ethnic, social or economic background one comes from. College helps students to shape their personalities for better or worse.
The main goal of this movie is to educate people about other ethnicities that are part of the American fabric. It is okay to be different. Differences are what make the human race unique. We can all learn from each other and work for the same goal of surviving.