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ASUW Senate application

Applications are now available online for ASUW senators as well as for president and vice president. All those interested are encouraged to apply.

Applications are due electronically by 4:30 p.m. March 6. There will be a mandatory candidate orientation to follow. More information will be provided to students via email.

The elections process consists of applying, campaigning and then getting voted in. There is a common misconception among many people that there is an interview, but this is not part of the process.

During the election, students will vote for senators based on what college they are affiliated with. Students can vote online at WyoWeb or at the specified polling stations in the Wyoming Union when the election is live.

“Each college gets to elect only a certain number of senators that are calculated based on current enrollment numbers. This will determine how many seats each college has,” Cass Igo, ASUW elections chair, said. “When the primary is over, those with the highest number of votes will move on to the general election and have a week in between to continue to campaign.”

After the general elections, candidates with the highest number of votes in their available seats will become a part of the 101st ASUW.  The primary and general elections are both three days long.

On March 5, there will be a meet and greet with current senators, executives, and the President and Vice President. This will be in the center ballroom of the Union from 6-7 p.m.

The meet and greet is a chance for anyone to come and see what ASUW is all about and get any questions that they have answered. ASUW’s weekly Tuesday meetings at 7 p.m. are also open to the public so anyone can come observe the senate in action.

Because of vetoed legislation, the primary has already been reinstated and will take place. When documents say that the primary will take place “if necessary”, they are referring to whether or not it will be necessary to have a primary for each of the colleges.

“A few colleges each year will usually not have primaries and will move straight on to the general depending on how many applicants there are,” Igo said. “There will only need to be a primary for each college if they have double applicants compared to the number of senate seats the college is allocated.  Because of this, some colleges may not have a primary.”

The primary elections will take place March 25-27 and the results will be posted on March 27. The general election will take place April 10-12 and results will be posted by April 12.

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