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Music genres yield certain attitudes

Zoe McDonald

I have no qualifications as a music expert beyond the fact that like most college students I listen to a lot of music. I am of the belief that you can get to know a person by the type of music they like, and here is my interpretation.


If rap is your thing then you like lyrics and specifically the rhythm and flow. Rap has the power to tell a story and is usually backed by some great bass that, if you have a subwoofer in the back of your car, makes driving around town a blast. There is the pop rap like Chris Brown and Macklemore that everyone and their grandma listens to and then there is the more underground.


Artists like the Dixie Chicks and Blake Shelton reign supreme in this domain. Country is a Wyoming staple and is best when listened to on a long drive across the state. There is something about country music that makes it easy to want to get up and dance.


Artists like Dead Mau5 and Daft Punk. Dubstep means you like your bass and you like it harder, better, faster, stronger. This is another great music genre to party to or to watch the movie Tron to, or better yet don’t watch the movie and just listen to the music.


You know who you are. You listen to bands that no one has heard of because they were only active for three years back in the ‘90’s before they broke up or went on to even more obscure bands. Nothing says ‘I am a hipster’ like bonding with someone because they also happen to listen to the same poorly known band like Blonde Redhead or Mazzy Star, but hey, in this day and age who isn’t a hipster. You get bonus points if you invite your friends over to listen to your music on vinyl.

Classic rock:

Guns ‘n Roses, Journey, Black Sabbath… the list goes on. They are called the classics for a reason. There is something about simple lyrics, big hair and a killer guitar solo that makes classic rock a universal unifier of anyone who listens to music. I challenge you not to sing along to “Don’t Stop Believing.”

80s or 90s:

Think of the Backstreet Boys, Blink-182, Queen and Cyndi Lauper. Yes the world was in a different place back during the Reagan and Clinton administrations. This was the age before Auto-Tune and back when boy bands and hair bands dominated the charts. Chances are you listened to this during your childhood and think music was better back in the day because hey David Bowie was the original Lady Gaga after all.


Yes there is indie pop and British pop among others but I am talking about Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj. Yes they are over-played and flaunt candy colored outfits and everyone likes to complain that they don’t have a shred of talent, but the sad truth is more of us know all the lyrics to “Call Me Maybe” than we would like to admit. No, go on ahead try not to do the dance when you hear “Gangnam Style.” Even if you claim to hate pop music you will likely recognize it.


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