ASUW senators met last night to discuss the events of the week along with various measures of legislation. Each senator received a yellow flower and Reese’s cup before the meeting in honor of one of the senators loved ones.
The senators discussed the following in the meeting:
– ASUW inducted two new members to the senate.
– Tuition town hall meeting took place yesterday afternoon. President Kahler urged senators to, “vote soon on whether or not to raise tuition,” but also to, “vote informed”.
– President Kahler will continue to work on raising funds for the Childcare scholarship worth $125,000.
– Bowtie and Pearls night will take place next Tuesday at the ASUW meeting; this is a traditional event for the senators.
– Non-traditional committee will hold an Easter egg hunt in April. This will be in coordination with the Honors program and Veterans. They will also hold a showing of “Frozen” in March in room 129 of the Classroom building.
– The senators passed a request for $4,535 towards the Latter Day Saints Student Association. This money will go towards the groups annual Brown and Gold banquet ball. This ball will include a formal dinner, guest speaker, and dancing. Last year the dance had about 250 people in attendance. Representative for the event, Todd Anderson, is “very excited” for the ball.
– Bill #2411 on Finances policy for ASUW was passed. The senators discussed RSO’s appeals and student funds that are represented in the bill.
– A bill for the Shanghai Leadership Exchange was also passed.
The meeting concluded with the senators discussing how to make meetings more formal in the future.