Posted inColumns / Opinion

Man Buns



He Said: 

I am a man currently growing out my beautiful straw-like blonde hair into a glorious mane that will clearly establish my status as the leader of my pride on this sahara, and will effectively dissuade the younger lions from questioning my dominance. As a responsible individual I realize that a presentable appearance will sometimes take precedence over the ability to safeguard against uppity younger lions, there will be times I will be forced to wrangle my beautiful golden locks into a distinguished top-knot.

Despite protests from my girlfriend, friends and colleagues I am fully in support of the rising trend of the man bun.  For too long societal expectations have kept the hair and attire of men under the heavy chains of judgment and misunderstanding. The growing popularity of the man bun represents a long awaited changing of attitudes. No more will man be bound by monthly visits to the barber, or the social obligation to wear a hat if his hair gets too long. Man is at the dawn of a new age, where headbands, scarves and neato-burrito scrunchies will no longer be solely the domain of women.

The shift in societal attitudes represented by the prevalence of the man bun and its adaptation by both the world of high fashion and the world of the bro means that the end of sexist clothing is nigh. Hopefully this shift will also occur with clothing, allowing men to attend class in the comfort of their meggings and uggs.

Man buns represent the most dynamic shift for men in the fashion world since the late 80’s and the introduction of man -capris. To this my future locks, and the locks of my longhaired brethren say: “Free at last. Lord, oh lord, we’re free at last.”



She said:

Man buns. So wrong, yet in some cases so right. This new men’s hairstyle is sweeping the nation with popularity and to be quite frank, it’s driving me nuts – for the most part. The man bun is something that needs to be done correctly, or not at all. I’ve been noticing more and more man buns on campus over the past couple of weeks and have yet to really see one that looks amazing.

Although, I have not been impressed, I would not take it to the extreme that a group in Cape Town South Africa did. There was a group of guys going around “getting their revenge on the man bun” by cutting them off, according to the Mirror online. Don’t fret, Laramie man bun wearer, no one is going to come cut off your man bun because, well, it’s illegal and rude.

The one thing that I would request from man bun supporters across the nation would be to either wear the man bun correctly, like Jared Leto, or get a haircut. There is nothing wrong with a nice, clean haircut! Ladies still like the clean look too. It’s not all about how rugged you can look with a greasy, messy man bun and out of control facial hair. Some of my coworkers said that the only reason women like the man buns is if they are on celebrities, which may or may not be true. As for me, I would prefer to just not see man buns, regardless of how much money you have. Down with the man bun movement in Laramie!

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