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Students gather for bingo night

It was bingo night in the Ballroom of the Union at the University of Wyoming, and hundreds of students came out to win prizes and have a good time. The night even had a bit of a theme considering the special date of Oct. 3 and the fact it was a Wednesday. The theme was Mean Girls after the hit movie in the early 2000’s. This date and day was special because of a quote on the movie about Oct. 3 and the fact that the mean girls in the film wore pink every Wednesday. It was obvious that multiple students knew what day it was considering there was a lot of pink in the room.

There were a few rules though in order to play bingo at this 7220 Entertainment night event. They were that one must be a UW student, stay after if they win in order to accept their prize and determine the winner in the event of a tie, play nice, and of course have fun.

“I thought it would be a fun way to take a break from studying and hang out with my friends for a couple of hours,” said UW freshman Shelbi Braudt. “I went with a group of girls and my friend Kaia won the VR bundle. It was fun for all of us to see one of our friends win something. That was my favorite part of the night.”

There was also a PS4, video games, Harry Potter bundle, dining dollar rewards, and many more prizes throughout the night. McKenzie Medley, a freshman at UW from South Dakota, went to bingo night with her roomate Karsyn for the chance to win a few prizes and have a good “roomie” bonding night.

“The bingo was fun. It’s simple and you have a chance to win free things,” said Medley. “and it’s a nice way to hang out with people. My roommate and I grabbed some ice cream afterwards too so it was a pretty relaxed night.”

One moment that Medley loved was when she started shaking her bingo card due to the funny noise it made, and the rest of the room joined in starting a bingo card orchestra. It all started much earlier in the game night when the baby wipes, which they were using to cleanoff the stamps on the cards, were all used up. Then paper towels and water were passed around the clean the bingo cards, which resulted in a wet card. Everyone had to shake them dry, which brought the funny noise to attention.

“I thought the event was good,” said Braudt. “I would go to another event. 7220 does a good job of planning, setting up and running events for students. It was a great way to take a break from school work and to take a chill pill. It was nice to escape to an environment that wasn’t as stressful and to just let loose for a little while.”

A few UW students have some wishes for future 7220 night events as well. Braudt wishes for a non-swing dance party with snacks and drinks, and Medley believes a college version of a cake walk would be a great time. Just a few requetes passed along from your neighboring UW students.

To view a schedule of future 7220 Entertainment events, visit


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