It’s the end of the semester, and that means the end of University of WyomingBranding Iron print editions until classes resume for the spring. But don’t worry — it’s only for a little while.
We will be back Jan. 29, 2019, ready to fill the pages with more hard-hitting news, fascinating features and engaging opinion pieces.
Thank you to our readers — students, staff, alumni and Laramians — for your time and attention this semester. We appreciate all letters to the editor and online and social media comments; we encourage your feedback and welcome all opinions. A reminder that all letters can be sent to
This paper marks the last issue of the Branding Iron’s 120th year of existence, student-run for each and every one. (See Luke Tilley’s story, “120 years of student reporting,” on BI’s coverage over the decades, at We look forward to carrying on the tradition of student journalism for a 121st year, continuing to cover campus and local happenings for the benefit of students, staff and other community members.
Your newspaper is your voice, and we won’t let it go quiet.