10 years ago…
Newly inaugurated President Obama called for a “reboot” of relations with Russia, which BI’s Opinion columnist condoned. ● ASUW passed a resolution supporting “domestic partner benefits” for University employees, which particularly affected LGBT employees with partners. ● ASUW considered impeaching two senators for violating attendance policy. ● The state legislature considered adding tolls to Interstate 80. ● Honors Program Director Duncan Harris signed a student petition against sweatshops.
25 years ago…
Right-wing nonprofit Accuracy in Academia accused UW of pursuing a gay agenda and discriminating against politically conservative students. ● A fight broke out in the Big Head Todd and the Monsters concert at the A&S Auditorium. ● Militant civil rights leader Kwame Ture, from Guinea, planned to speak at UW.
50 years ago…
A lecture on the meaning of race, one of six lectures in UW’s first series on “Afro-American culture,” was moved to the A&S Auditorium after the crowd overflowed the first talk. ● “We expect the gentle ladies to have more discretion,” one letter-write wrote, criticizing the Associated Women Students’ decision to invite pro-drug Playboy editor Paul Krassner to speak at a campus symposium on illegal drug use. ● ASUW considered a bill to end the fall semester before Christmas break and conclude the spring semester in early May. Fall finals fell after the 17-day winter break. ● UW had 247 foreign students representing 43 countries, most from Canada. ● Steers on the student farm were forced to swallow a radio “pill” the size of a small Alka Seltzer bottle to track changes in stomach pressure.