Megan Reich – Staff Writer
Finding a pair of YEEZYS for $50 is unheard of, but that could happen at the Annual Abandoned Property Auction at the University of Wyoming Police Department (UWPD).
The YEEZYS are just one example of items that have been abandoned over the years and one of the most unusual.
Every year, the UWPD gathers up items that have been left on campus and sells them at auction. This year the auction takes place in the north parking lot of the Police Department Sept. 4 at 4 p.m.
Most of the items being sold at this auction are bikes, water bottles, clothes, calculators and anything else that was left in the campus buildings lost and found boxes.
Officer Jason Satkunam from the UWPD said that the majority of buyers at this auction are students that are looking for bikes.
Also, people from around the community come and try to find used treasures. The money made at this auction is used to upgrade lost-and-found areas and new bike racks around campus. This event has been happening for 15 years and will continue to occur as long as students keep losing their things.