On Thursday, October 8, an Albany County drive-thru flu shot clinic will be hosted in War Memorial Stadium’s parking lot. Hours will be from 7AM to 6PM.
This is following the flu shots that were available to students on Friday, October 2. Staff and faculty were not able to get flu shots at this event, and were advised by UW news to attend the drive-thru clinic.
According to Bill Peska with Albany County Public Health, this is first drive-the POD (point of dispensing) flu shot event. It will give the county the opportunity to get max vaccines out in repetition.
COVID-19 guidelines do need to be followed, according to Peska, which includes wearing a face covering. Albany County Public Health also prefers people to stay in their cars, and encourages people to follow this request.
Peska said, “When people arrive, they will be greeted by the POD greeter and given a clipboard with required forms to fill out. They will then drive to the screening station which will have two nurses that will determine which flu vaccine is needed, which is dependent on allergies.”
“The next stop will be billing and most insurance companies will cover the cost of the shot. Last, you’ll drive to the mobile response trailer which will have nurses that administer the flu shot.”
The drive-thru clinic is one of the listed resources for UW faculty and staff to receive the vaccine, according to UW news.
Other resources listed are: primary care providers, local urgent care clinics, local pharmacies, the Wyoming Health Fair and other Albany County Public Health flu shot clinics.