Tuesday, April 26, the 109th administration of ASUW held the last meeting of its term, before passing the torch to the 110th administration.
This administration included President Hunter Swilling, Vice President Colter Anderson, and 28 senators. As they prepare to move forwards with a new administration, the current administration shared their thoughts on the past and upcoming events of ASUW.
“I have genuinely enjoyed serving as the president,” Swilling said. “And I am proud and excited to see what my successors will do during their term.”
Swilling’s time as president may have come to an end, but he will continue to serve on ASUW as a senator in the new administration.
Between reductions to funding for greek life, navigating covid and the changing rules involving masks, testing, and social distancing, plans and recommendations to remove the union and greek row lots and add a parking garage, and developing the strategic plan for the restructuring of ASUW, this administration has had their work cut out for them.
“Serving in this position over the past year has been such a valuable experience for me. I am walking away with new skills, campus connections, wonderful memories, and lifelong friendships.” Junior and Chief of Staff Hazel Homer-Wambeam said. “I would strongly encourage all UW students to get involved with our student government in any capacity, ASUW provides students with an outlet to truly make things happen on campus.”
“Through ASUW this past year, I was able to frequently express my opinions to upper administration and Wyoming lawmakers, use ASUW funding to pursue projects that were important to me, and actively see much-needed change occurring on our campus.”
At the May 3 meeting, ASUW will install President Allison Brown and Vice President Kathryne Carrier, alongside 21 new and returning senators. They will also elect a new head table and fill committees in the next meeting.
Brown and Carrier, as well as the 21 senators, will officially begin their term in the fall of 2022.