The Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) held their shortest meeting of the semester on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, which lasted just a little over an hour and a half.
During the meeting, the 111th Senate voted on Senate Resolution #2915, and Senate Bills #2916, #2917 that were tabled from the previous week’s meeting, as well as did the first readings of SB #2918 ‘A Bill to Amend the ASUW Rules and Procedures to Ensure Compliance of Legislative Record Keeping’ and SR #2919 ‘ASUW Recommendation on proposed Mandatory, Program, and Business Enterprise Student Fees for FY25’.
SR #2915, ‘Advocacy for University of Wyoming Fall Break,’ is ASUW’s official advocacy for a minimum five day break during the fall semester, “not counting Labor Day, Veterans’ Day, or weekends and to be split between a Thanksgiving Break and an official Fall Break with a minimum of two days for each.”
According to the resolution’s author, Senator Ashlynne Meiklejohn, SR #2915 is an attempt to combat the burnout that arises amongst the student population during the mid-point of the fall semester, and to offer a better reprieve for students during that time. The resolution passed with a unanimous roll-call vote.
The Senate then discussed and voted on SB #2916 and SB #2917, passing both bills with a 19-2-1 roll-call vote, and a 20-0-2 roll call vote, respectively.
The Senate body briefly broke from discussing legislation to hold elections for a new Ad-Hoc Committee member, and Senator at Large for the Intersession Oversight Committee (IOC).
Senator Ven Meester was elected as an Ad-Hoc Committee member with a total of 12 votes, and Senator Carter Worcester was elected as Senator at Large for the IOC with a total of 13 votes.