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ASUW focuses on new initiatives for the year

Throughout the summer, the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming, better known on campus as ASUW, remained diligent in ensuring our students are well represented. The organization held its orientation for new members on Sunday, August 25th, and held their first senate meeting on Tuesday, August 27th.

At this meeting, they elected new directors including the Director of Governmental and Community Affairs, Sophia Gomelsky; Director of Student Organizations, Cord Anderson; Director of Finance, Aubrey Rockwell; Director of Wellness and Sustainability, McKailyn Malles; Director of Advocacy and Campus Unity, Paula Medina.

President Kameron Murfitt addressed their Summer Projects Initiative and explained how they spent around $127,000 on these projects throughout campus. This funding was used to support the Food Share Pantry by purchasing canned goods and hygiene kits, purchasing pill bottle locks to help protect our students, and aiding in the purchase of new Half Acre Recreation equipment to combat the loss of the swimming pool, among many more projects.

One of ASUW’s biggest goals for the upcoming school year is increasing mental health awareness and advocacy across campus and began working on their initiative Movember, specifically surrounding men’s mental health which will be taking place during November.

“The University of Wyoming just got $1.7 million for extra aid in mental health, so [ASUW] has already been in several conversations and we are excited throughout the semester to bring some of these events and resources back into the spotlight,” President Kameron Murfitt said.

A second focus of ASUW throughout the summer was to make transportation more available to students through the Denver International Airport (DIA) Shuttle Service. There were two successful shuttles on both August 14th and August 21st with over 70 applicants and an average of around 10 students each day utilizing the DIA shuttle.

“Another [goal] would be Poke’s Vote, which because it is an election year, is to help all the students meet candidates, understand their civic rights, how to vote, how to get through the process, and just make it more accessible to them,” Chief of Staff Peri Hennigar explained,

ASUW used the same initiative to have over 47 candidate visits during the 2022 midterm elections and aims to have an increase in candidates this year and help more students become more actively engaged civically.

Vice President Paden Knull explained ASUW’s plan to start up a student organization round table. 

“There are over 300 organizations on campus and our mission is trying to meet with every single one of them throughout the year, as well as invite them to meetings, getting them out in a more professional setting, but also have a chance to connect them with resources within ASUW and around campus,” Vice President Knull said.

The ASUW is optimistic for the year and is ambitious to achieve its goals. They have hired multiple new staff members and are looking for more positions to be filled.

“We have 5 vacancies, so if any readers out there are looking to join a paid position and get some good professional development and connection opportunities, [ASUW] would love to have them,” Vice President Knull said.

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