Posted inSports / Swimming

Swim and dive ready for a good season

The Wyoming swim and dive team will be looking to have a successful season this year, but head coach Dave Denniston isn’t putting any expectations on his squad, as he doesn’t want to put a cap on their potential this season, especially as they have returned some crucial pieces on both the men and women side of things.

“I think, given the talent and the buy in that we’ve seen, I almost feel like having an expectation right now would put a cap on what we’re truly capable of,” Denniston said.

On the womens’ team, the Cowgirls will be relying on their youth to make a big impact this season. Denniston mentioned the name of Tara Joyce as one of his biggest pieces returning from last year, as the sophomore had a stellar freshman season last year, winning the 200 freestyle in the Mountain West championships.

Denniston also mentioned Brynlee Busskohl, who he says has an opportunity to qualify for the NCAA championships in the breaststroke events. Denniston also spoke highly of incoming freshmen Macey Hansen and Avery True, who he believes can have an impact on the team in their freshmen seasons.

“In our freshman group, there’s a lot of people that you can tell are going to be captains and leaders of this [team], even as freshmen,” Denniston said.

“There was a lot of great stuff last year in terms of our culture and performance,” Denniston added about his womens’ team. “But I think the team knows there’s a lot more they can do.”

On the mens’ side of things, Denniston will be looking to get a lot out of his senior leader, Jack O’Neil, not only to perform in the pool but most importantly as a true team leader.

“We’re missing him a little bit because his leadership truly is unique and significant,” Denniston said of O’Neil, who is currently away from the team competing in the Paralympics in Paris.

Other than a few returning swimmers from last year, the mens’ team is somewhat full of unknowns this season for Denniston, but he still has confidence that they will rise to the occasion and swim well this season. 

“With guys, you never really know what you’re going to get but based on what I’m seeing so far, I think we’re going to have an outstanding season,” Denniston said.

In terms of their schedule, Denniston is excited about the opportunity to swim against Air Force twice this season, as they open their Mountain West schedule with a tournament hosted by Air Force and then will also compete in a dual meet against the Falcons at home as well. Denniston is also excited about the prospect of competing against Utah in Green River, Wyoming, as it will be an opportunity for his team to show off in front of a homestate crowd that may not always be able to see the Cowboys and Cowgirls take to the pool.

“Every time we go there, we have a lot of people that ask for autographs and sign posters and that type of thing, which doesn’t typically happen in swimming and diving,” Denniston noted. “For an outreach event for us, it’s something we look forward to and enjoy just celebrating the state.”

All in all, Denniston is extremely excited to showcase his group of athletes who he believes has a lot of upside and potential this year.

“We got an eager group of young athletes on this team that are just incredibly athletic and incredibly coachable,” Denniston said.

“They’ve been sponges, really, in terms of absorbing everything we’re trying to do in a short amount of time, and they’re really embracing the challenges.”

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