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Lecture series continues with a book launch

The University of Wyoming is currently hosting the “Challenges to Democracy” lecture series throughout the state, which started with a lecture at the University itself on September 10th. The series is an attempt to explore the various challenges currently facing US democracy, and potential solutions that American politicians can implement to curb the crisis.  

The second lecture is a book launch for “Polarization and Deep Contestation: The Liberal Script in the United States.” The book follows closely with the message of the lectures, examining how such extreme political polarization developed in the United States, and contestations to the standard liberal* worldview on the matter from a variety of perspectives. It also examines how extreme political polarization is a continual challenge to democratic processes within the US. The book will also explore how American politics and global politics can hope to return to a state of political normalcy and status quo. In addition to this, it will describe how The United States is unique in comparison to other liberal democracies around the globe that are facing similar crises, as well as the root causes of the divisiveness currently present within the United States, and also the consequences of US foreign policy on domestic US issues, as well as how it has contributed to the increasingly hostile political climate within our country. 

The book is part of an ongoing collaboration between the University of Wyoming and the Free University of Berlin that is researching the quality of Democracy around the world. This research not only enriches academic discourse but also provides policymakers with evidence-based solutions to some of democracy’s most pressing challenges. The University of Wyoming’s and Free University of Berlin’s involvement in this lecture series highlights the paramount role that academic institutions play in addressing challenges to democratic institutions. Universities are uniquely positioned to provide neutral spaces for informed debate and discussion on political issues, allowing experts, students, and the public to engage with complex topics like polarization, governance, and the state of democracy. 

In addition to this lectures, multiple others will be taking place throughout the semester, including “From Paper to Pixels: The Evolution and the Future of Voting” on October 15th, “Wyoming Political Attitudes: Findings from the Wyoming Election Survey” on November 4th, “Democratic Crisis Around the Globe” on November. 6th, and another book launch for “Nationalized Politics: Evaluating Electoral Politics Across Time.” On November 12th

The lecture will take place at 4:30PM in the Wyoming Union Family room, and all are welcome to attend. Co-editors and co-contributors of the book including Tanja Börzel and Thomase Risse from the Free University of Berlin, as well as UW professors Stephanie Anderson, Andrew Garner, and Peter Parolin will be speaking at the event. For more information regarding the event, please email lecture series co-organizers Garrison at or Garner at 

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