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President Seidel to Give State of the University Address Sept. 17th

The President of the University of Wyoming, Ed Seidel, will be giving the annual State of the University address on Tuesday, September 17th. The president is expected to discuss some key issues facing the University currently, as well as goals for the administration going forward throughout the 2024-2025 academic year. 

According to the President’s office, the primary focus on the speech will be the continuation of the President’s strategic plan for the University. This includes various measures, such as re-affirming the University’s commitment to enhancing the success of the average student, pursuing institutional excellence, providing a supportive community for all students, serving the State of Wyoming, and pursuing financial diversification and success. The president’s office believes that the pursuance of these goals will encourage the University of Wyoming to continue being an exemplary university for all to attend, as well as allowing the University to weather the turbulent national collegiate landscape which includes a large variety of problems currently, most notably the extreme polarization of opinions within the country. 

One of the plans initial goals, to acquire R1 status for the University, has already been largely achieved. The American Council on Education is expected to recognize UW’s extensive research efforts by granting the institution R1 status in 2025, as soon as the council’s new criteria for this designation takes effect. It’s unknown at this time as to whether the president will be speaking on this achievement, but it is likely, given the magnitude of the event for the University going forwards. Another goal of the plan that will continue to be pursued this year is cooperation with various community colleges around the state of Wyoming. This is expected to provide more opportunities for education and financial success for residents throughout the state, as well as improving the state’s economy substantially as the results of these initiatives take effect. 

The president will also be continuing to re-affirm his position on freedom of speech on campus. When reached out for comment, Kelsey Kyne, the president’s chief of staff, stated, “This year’s State of the University falls on Constitution Day, and President Seidel sees this as an opportunity to emphasize the work UW has done around freedom of expression and creating an environment where all perspectives can be heard.” The president’s commitment to the free expression of all ideas on campus continues to be a shining light in the tumultuous sea of American politics, creating an environment where the two extremes can come together and hopefully find common ground about how to continue running our country in the best possible manner. 

The speech will take place on Tuesday, September 17th, from 3:30-5PM in the Wyoming Union Center. Other leaders will also be speaking at the event, re-affirming their commitment to the president’s path for the University. Afterwards, there will be a social hour with food and beverages located in Pokes Pub from 5-6PM. President Seidel has granted 1.5 hours of release time for all UW employees to attend the event, should they wish to. 

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