During the course of the Obama Administration, the President has been fighting to move our country forward. On June 28, the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Affordable Care Act to be constitutional, which is a progressive move for healthcare in the United States.
The ACA provides more healthcare rights for young adults, women and people with pre-existing conditions. I think this is a wonderful thing.
Conservative America, however, tends to disagree. Currently, there is an attack on women’s health and reproductive rights.
Romney intends to overturn Roe vs. Wade, a constitutional amendment that makes abortion legal, according to his official campaign website. I think this is wrong. Being pro-life or pro-choice is a personal decision a woman should make on her own terms.
“Americans have a moral duty to uphold the sanctity of life and protect the weakest, most vulnerable and most innocent among us. As president, Mitt will ensure that American laws reflect America’s values of preserving life at home and abroad,” Romney’s website states.
This statement implies that if an individual is pro-choice, they are immoral, which is completely inaccurate. I consider myself to be a very moral person, and I am also very pro-choice. If you are pro-life, however, I completely respect that, too.
Depending on a woman’s religious views, there is a possibility she may consider an abortion. There are multiple reasons why.
Perhaps she was a rape victim, she has health issues that would make pregnancy risky for either herself or the child, or maybe she just is not ready for motherhood. No matter the reason, the decision belongs to her, not a male politician in D.C.
Lately, there has been a lot of discussion about women’s health, specifically about rape, pregnancy and abortion. On August 19, U.S. Representative Todd Akin, R-MO., said that women’s bodies have a way of shutting down pregnancies from rape, therefore making pregnancy from ‘legitimate rape’ rare, according to ABC News.
Obviously, this statement is completely, biologically impossible. A woman’s body cannot tell the difference between ‘rape sperm’ and ‘legitimate sperm.’ It’s all the same thing. If an egg is there, pregnancy can happen. End of story.
In response to this lunacy, President Obama said, “What I think these comments do underscore is why we shouldn’t have a bunch of politicians, the majority of whom are men, making health care decisions on behalf of women.”
I could not agree more. I honestly believe that women’s reproductive rights should be completely left up to women — sorry guys.
It is great for men to have opinions and to be supportive of the women they care about, but at the end of the day these decisions impact women’s bodies.
Of course, abortion should not be taken lightly. It is a personal decision that should be thought through and weighed. But that is the point: a woman should have the choice to do just that.
Let your voice be heard — we really can make a difference. Even if you disagree with me, your opinions are just as valuable. Write to our state representatives to let them know what you care about. After all, is that not their responsibility? They are sitting in D.C. to represent the citizens of our state, not their own personal agendas.