The Associated Students of the University of Wyoming is currently accepting applications for sizable projects across campus to the tune of $75,000.
According to ASUW Director of Finance Chris Haakinson, the Special Projects Fund is an annual award meant to provide long-term benefits to UW students. The project must be permanent and cannot be spent on travel, salaries, classroom projects or general operating expenses.
Normally the award amount is $50,000, but this year the amount is higher due to unspent dollars from last year.
Special projects that were successful in the past include adding the dismount zones to the bike path around Prexy’s Pasture, a resource library for the non-traditional and gender program libraries in the Wyoming Union, and equipment for the Associated Students Technical Services.
A past request to install outdoor bouldering equipment was not approved due to a lack of sufficient research, Haakinson said.
Another special project that did not make the cut was proposed by the UW Civil and Architectural Engineering Department. The department planned to make Half Acre Gym more environmentally efficient by reusing “grey water,” which is the water left over after bathing and washing hands. Grey water is often piped over to flush the toilets.
“This is still a possibility when the Half Acre remodel happens,” ASUW President Joel Defebaugh said.
The ACRES Student Farm, which is a student-run operation devoted to sustainable and local food, was also a past special projects recipient. The farm installed an irrigation system with the ASUW funds.
“The student farm is a big hit,” Haakinson said. “The projects should be for individual things you see across campus.”
Applications may be submitted by Recognized Student Organizations, UW students or faculty. The proposal should emphasize the direct impact the project will have on a large number of students and include an itemized list of well-researched expenses.
The applications will be reviewed and voted on by the Budget and Planning Committee. The project deadline is Oct. 12, 2012.