Student Health is a great resource at UW for all. Whether battling illness or in need of a checkup, nothing beats having affordable assistance right here on campus.
With such a reliable program available, missing a checkup does not seem like such a big deal. This year, however, Student Health charges $25 for anyone who does not show up to a scheduled appointment.
“The no show fee was added this year because of the significant rate of no shows we had. We thought that an incentive for students to make an appointment that they were going to keep would be to have a fee,” Dr. Joanne E. Steane, the Director of Student Health, said.
In the past, students have taken Student Health for granted, abusing the system by missing or canceling appointments at the last minute.
“I don’t think it’s a big deal to miss an appointment because sometimes other things come up,” Charlie Kobalt, a UW Freshman, said.
It’s true. Everyone is busy, and life can get in the way of most anything. However, an appointment at Student Health should be a top priority.
Many students don’t realize that by missing an appointment, they’re taking up a timeslot and preventing other students from getting taken care of. Generally in any health institution, there are a large number of patients and limited appointment availability.
So far this year, there have been less appointment no shows than ever before, proving that the fee is an effective tool in getting students to be more respectful and responsible towards Student Health.
“Since we’ve instituted the no show fee, the no shows were cut in a third,” Dr. Steane said.
The no show fee is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, making it recognized at the national standard. Colleges and other health institutions across the country have carried out similar fees for no shows and last minute cancellations.
The money collected by the fees will be going to a good place, benefiting current and future students rather than the Student Health Organization directly.
“This fee is going to a student medical expense fund which will be available for students who have medical expenses that they otherwise can’t meet,” Dr. Steane said.
Overall, a no show fee is not just a means of getting students to be more accountable. It’s a sign that Student Health, and UW as a whole, is evolving and growing. And having a health establishment on campus that is held to a national standard is something to be thankful for and proud of.