Before Saturday’s football game, the College of Health Sciences hosted its sixth annual Kick-Off to Good Health Fair.
A variety of services were offered at the event, including full blood work, immunizations, blood glucose, lipid panel and diabetic foot testing, “brown bag” medication and asthma counseling, osteoporosis screening and medication disposal. Aside from full blood work and immunizations, services were free of charge.
Free acupuncture and natural allergy elimination treatment proved to be relaxing, popular services Saturday morning. Pain Neutralization Technique also was available for people who do not like needles.
Attendees were greeted at a registration table where they received a pamphlet for the program. It not only included information on the event but also contained an interactive personal screening section.
Participants recorded their diastolic and systolic blood pressures, body composition, hemoglobin A1C and blood glucose. They could then compare their personal screening information with lab values for the average adult.
The idea of the event was to inform the public of its health needs. Kick-off to Good Health was an opportunity for UW students, faculty, and the Laramie community as a whole to learn about their own health and wellbeing. Attendees also were able to talk with practitioners on site at the event and discover new ways to improve their health.
Alongside the fair, the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) student chapter coordinated a medication disposal event. Unwanted and unused medications were accepted at the event in order to promote sustainability in health.
Phi Lambda Sigma, the pharmacy leadership society at UW, was the event’s key sponsor. Current students who will someday be health professionals had the chance to apply what they have learned at UW to help educate others on preventative measures in health.
Other sponsors for Kick-off to Good Health event included ASUW, Rx Plus, First Interstate Bank, UW School of Pharmacy, Wyoming Health Fairs, McKesson Pharmaceuticals, Brown and Gold, Qdoba, Ivinson Memorial Hospital and BioLife.