The results are in and BI readers have voted Grand Avenue Pizza the best pizza place in Laramie. Grand Avenue Pizza is set apart from the other pizza places because it is not a chain, it it does not have a multi-million dollar advertising campaign or copyrighted recipes.
There is only one Grand Avenue Pizza and it is in downtown Laramie. It is locally owned and operated and is one of the rare restaurants with character and personality. Come for the pizza but stay for the atmosphere. There is local artwork on the walls, amazing pizza and a high probability that you’ll run in to a friend or two.
Grand Ave is not afraid to boldly go where no pizza has gone before, meaning they like to mix it up. Be it pineapple on the Thai pizza or a pizza made with broccoli and cheddar cheese, it is all fair game and will taste amazing. There is an all you can eat lunch buffet that has pasta, lasagna and salad.
This Saturday I had pepperoni with cheddar and peppers. Pepperoni is the standard go-to pizza but this one was not the run-of-the-mill bland chain pizza. It had a fluffy crust and a thick layer of cheese. It is hard to say if pizza can have personality but this one almost did.
“I love the Thai pizza and their crust,” said English major Sam Clark. “And their ice cream is superb.”
There are some restaurants that help define a community. Today, with more and more chain restaurants, where pizza is the food of choice for many college students Grand Avenue Pizza redefines going out to pizza. It allows you to take the time out of your day to sit down with a friend or significant other, enjoy each other’s company and enjoy the best pizza Laramie has to offer.