Last night was an emotional experience, as Obama and Romney were neck-and-neck for Electoral College … 'Flag Hair Lady'Read more
Moving past gender inequality
In a class this week we were asked to discuss the role of gender inequality … Moving past gender inequalityRead more
Holocaust week
Holocaust Remembrance Week will come to a close on Thursday with a presentation from a … Holocaust weekRead more
UW's biggest venues
Basketball season is almost in full swing, but football season still has three games to … UW's biggest venuesRead more
Simpson legacy
Public service is at the heart of everything he does — from serving as a … Simpson legacyRead more
Good Mule Project hosts annual conference
The Good Mule Project, a University of Wyoming student-led initiative, will be hosting its annual … Good Mule Project hosts annual conferenceRead more
Cowgirl basketball forward is player of the week
Chaundra Sewell, a senior on the women’s basketball team here at the University of Wyoming, … Cowgirl basketball forward is player of the weekRead more
Republicans take Wyo
Although Romney won 98 percent of Wyoming’s vote, according to the Huffington Post, Barack Obama … Republicans take WyoRead more
Wrestling wins titles
The Cowboys wrestling team took away five titles from its first major tournament of the … Wrestling wins titlesRead more
ASUW approves $17,350 for three events
The Associated Students of the University of Wyoming at Tuesday’s senate meeting approved $17,350 for … ASUW approves $17,350 for three eventsRead more
Shaolin Jazz group to perform in Union Ballroom
The Shaolin Jazz Project, a group that blends jazz pieces with hip hop, will be … Shaolin Jazz group to perform in Union BallroomRead more
Chicks in the bathroom
As an equal opportunity commentator on the ridiculousness of the human race, I feel obligated, … Chicks in the bathroomRead more