The University of Wyoming (UW) continues to make an impact in the world of nuclear … NRC awards UW $600,000 grantRead more
Denim Day at UW: standing against sexual assault and violence
Denim Day was celebrated by the University of Wyoming community on Wednesday, April 26 as … Denim Day at UW: standing against sexual assault and violenceRead more
Preliminary report shows decrease in campus sexual assault
Rates of sexual assault at the University of Wyoming are roughly in line with national … Preliminary report shows decrease in campus sexual assaultRead more
UW professor of law provides KKG insight
University of Wyoming Law Professor Melissa Alexander weighed in on the high-profile Kappa Kappa Gamma … UW professor of law provides KKG insightRead more
Cowgirl tennis wins Mountain West Conference
Cowgirls Tennis end their regular season on top of the Mountain West Conference, and are … Cowgirl tennis wins Mountain West ConferenceRead more
Community music groups bid farewell to directors
On Monday evening, community music groups Civic Choir and Community Band showcased pieces at the … Community music groups bid farewell to directorsRead more
ASUW shows support for $12 minimum wage
The 110th Associated Students of Wyoming (ASUW) held their last Tuesday meeting of the 2023 … ASUW shows support for $12 minimum wageRead more
ASUW closes out 110th administration
The Associated Students of Wyoming (ASUW) hosted their end-of-year banquet on Wednesday, April 28 to … ASUW closes out 110th administrationRead more
UW Student wins Energy Vault competition
Throughout the month of April, in partnership with energy storage company Energy Vault, the University … UW Student wins Energy Vault competitionRead more
UW Rodeo prepares for home event
The UW Rodeo Team has the end of the season in their sights as the … UW Rodeo prepares for home eventRead more
NFF Hampshire Honor society honors ten Wyoming football players
This April, ten members of the University of Wyoming football team were made members in … NFF Hampshire Honor society honors ten Wyoming football playersRead more
Geek Out event hosted at Coe Library
Once a week the Coe Library Makerspace hosts a crafting event, where makerspace employees help … Geek Out event hosted at Coe LibraryRead more