University of Wyoming President Ed Seidel made history when he announced that he would become … Seidel reappointed for second termRead more
$77,000 budgeted for License Plate Recognition
Upon completion of the Ivinson Parking Garage, the UW Transportation Services will have spent a … $77,000 budgeted for License Plate RecognitionRead more
Nordic Ski teams compete in Mammoth during blizzard
After a week of relentless snow storms in Mammoth, CA, the University of Wyoming Mens … Nordic Ski teams compete in Mammoth during blizzardRead more
UW hosts first LGBTQIAP2S+ meet and greet
President Ed Seidel and the new VP for Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Zebadiah Hall, … UW hosts first LGBTQIAP2S+ meet and greetRead more
ASUW events budget strapped for cash
With one month and a half left in the 2022-2023 academic year, ASUW’s ever-popular Student … ASUW events budget strapped for cashRead more
Extra Ordinary: Ava Olson
According to legend, sometime after the birth of his first son, a number of oracles … Extra Ordinary: Ava OlsonRead more
Cowgirls get eliminated from WNIT
The UW Cowgirls lost to Kansas State Wildcats in the second leg of the Women’s … Cowgirls get eliminated from WNITRead more
Student Media and Laramie Living host Housing Fair
Laramie Living and Student Media hosted the annual Housing and Resource Fair on Thursday, March … Student Media and Laramie Living host Housing FairRead more
Earth to hit critical threshold by 2030
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of experts hired by the United Nations … Earth to hit critical threshold by 2030Read more
Wyoming bans abortion pills
On Friday, March 17, Republican Gov. Mark Gordon signed the state’s medical abortion ban into … Wyoming bans abortion pillsRead more
College of Business hosts WFBLA
Over 500 of Wyoming’s high school students participated in the Wyoming Future Business Leaders of … College of Business hosts WFBLARead more
Climb Wyoming changes lives of single mothers
Climb Wyoming is a statewide, nonprofit organization that is working to alleviate poverty by providing … Climb Wyoming changes lives of single mothersRead more