Matthew Sharpe, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Deakin University, delivered a lecture on stoicism at … Stoicism according to Dr. Matthew SharpeRead more
Cowgirls beat CU Buffs in spring game
The Cowgirls volleyball team came back to the UniWyo Sports Complex for a spring game … Cowgirls beat CU Buffs in spring gameRead more
Student Art League hosts first Art Prom since pandemic
The Student Art League (SAL) hosted its first Art Prom since the COVID-19 pandemic on … Student Art League hosts first Art Prom since pandemicRead more
UW hosts incoming students at New Student Days
UW hosted New Student Day on April 14 to welcome incoming UW freshmen and helped … UW hosts incoming students at New Student DaysRead more
Protecting salamanders with the Biodiversity Center
Laramie is home to thousands of tiny residents, residents that the University of Wyoming’s Berry … Protecting salamanders with the Biodiversity CenterRead more
CSIL hosts Student Org Awards
The Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL) hosted its annual Student Organization Awards on … CSIL hosts Student Org AwardsRead more
National Lab Day hosted at UW
On April 12 & 13, the University of Wyoming partnered with the United States Department … National Lab Day hosted at UWRead more
Plaintiffs appeal judge decision in KKG case
UPDATED APRIL 17, 2023 On Friday, April 14, U.S. District Court Judge Alan B. Johnson … Plaintiffs appeal judge decision in KKG caseRead more
Wyoming Army National Guard competition highlights guardsmen
Seven University of Wyoming students competed in the Wyoming Army National Guard Best Warrior Competition … Wyoming Army National Guard competition highlights guardsmenRead more
Ian Haworth: How men can fight for life
Ian Haworth, a conservative writer and speaker, spoke on men’s responsibility regarding abortions at an … Ian Haworth: How men can fight for lifeRead more
Jennifer Kirk wins Outstanding Staff Award
Jennifer Kirk, the marketing and communications specialist for UW, was the recipient of the Outstanding … Jennifer Kirk wins Outstanding Staff AwardRead more
Extra Ordinary: Connor Thorpen
“He’s always been a very noble and righteous person. Very much a ‘lead by example’ … Extra Ordinary: Connor ThorpenRead more