The University of Wyoming Extension teams in Campbell and Fremont counties will be holding an … Wyoming Extension hosting Cattle A.I. ClassRead more
ASUW candidates explain why voting is important
Students still have one day to vote in the Associated Students of the University of … ASUW candidates explain why voting is importantRead more
UW members attend international AI conference
Twelve students and two UW staff members attended a ten-day worldwide artificial intelligence (AI) conference … UW members attend international AI conferenceRead more
ASUW elections open soon
Elections for the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) 2023-2024 school year opens … ASUW elections open soonRead more
Pharmacy professors warn of fentanyl
As a nationwide opioid crisis continues to rage on, another drug has drastically shown up … Pharmacy professors warn of fentanylRead more
Student helps locate the future of green energy
Through the help of a $1 million grant from the Wyoming Energy Authority (WEA), energy … Student helps locate the future of green energyRead more
American healthcare needs an update
The American healthcare system is a travesty. In 2021, the American Medical Association reported that … American healthcare needs an updateRead more
De-Stress with Campus Rec
Campus Rec, the umbrella term for the Wellness Center and Half Acre Gym, offers a … De-Stress with Campus RecRead more
International Flavor Festival comes downtown
The Laramie International Flavor Festival made an appearance downtown for the second year, with over … International Flavor Festival comes downtownRead more
Intramural pickleball now offered as a several week league
With pickleball becoming an increasingly popular pastime in the U.S., the University of Wyoming recently … Intramural pickleball now offered as a several week leagueRead more
Site of public memory: Benjamin Franklin Statue
The University of Wyoming campus is filled with plaques and statues, each with a unique … <strong>Site of public memory: Benjamin Franklin Statue</strong>Read more
ASUW hosts president and vice president debate
The presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Associated Students of Wyoming (ASUW) gathered in … ASUW hosts president and vice president debateRead more