The Control Centers for Disease (CDC) announced new research on Feb. 13 that three in … Girls face more depression, CDC saysRead more
UW Mortar Board hosts 43rd annual ‘Top Prof’ night
UW professors who have gone beyond the classroom to impact the lives of Mortar Board … UW Mortar Board hosts 43rd annual ‘Top Prof’ nightRead more
Sing On! allows collaboration between musicians
Cowboys, Sing On! took place in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts over Friday, … Sing On! allows collaboration between musiciansRead more
100 students receive Trustees’ Scholars Award
The Trustees’ Scholar Award is the premier resident scholarship awarded to a cohort of Wyoming … 100 students receive Trustees’ Scholars AwardRead more
Cowboys conclude WAC championships
Both the Cowboys and Cowgirls swimming and diving teams competed in the Western Athletic Conference … Cowboys conclude WAC championshipsRead more
Seidel Answers questions at ASUW Town Hall
University President Ed Seidel joined ASUW President Allison Brown and ASUW Vice President Hunter Swilling … Seidel Answers questions at ASUW Town HallRead more
UW hosts Jeff Hamilton Trio
The Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts hosted renowned jazz artists of the Jeff Hamilton … UW hosts Jeff Hamilton TrioRead more
ASUW holds heated discussion regarding pay
The ASUW senate enters the month of March with a balanced budget for fiscal year … ASUW holds heated discussion regarding payRead more
Cowboys chase away the Wolfpack on home ground
UW Cowboys defeated the University of Nevada Wolfpack on Monday Feb. 27. The game marked … Cowboys chase away the Wolfpack on home groundRead more
Extra Ordinary: Kolter and Savannah
In Plato’s Symposium Aristophanes, a Greek playwright, recalled a myth that humans were once wise … Extra Ordinary: Kolter and SavannahRead more
Wellness Center offers help amid midterms
As spring break approaches, so do midterms. This is an overwhelming time for many students, … Wellness Center offers help amid midtermsRead more
Cowgirls win border war
The Wyoming Cowgirls beat the sheep 76-60 in their last season game. This game sent … Cowgirls win border warRead more