I am old enough to remember a time as a grade schooler when teachers wouldn’t … Academic policy needs to modernizeRead more
War in Ukraine: One year later
Friday, Feb. 24, 2023 will mark the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Tensions … War in Ukraine: One year laterRead more
ASIC Hosts Lunar New Year Banquet
The Associated Students Interested in China (ASIC) hosted a banquet on Friday, Feb. 17, to … ASIC Hosts Lunar New Year BanquetRead more
Be The Match asks students to donate stem cells
Be The Match, a national nonprofit organization that is dedicated to saving the lives of … Be The Match asks students to donate stem cellsRead more
UW Welcomes its first WORTH Initiative educator
Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality (WORTH) Initiative welcomed Hailey Moss to their team last … UW Welcomes its first WORTH Initiative educatorRead more
UW department of music hosts 40th concert
On Thursday, Feb. 16, the UW department of music hosted its 40th concert of the … UW department of music hosts 40th concertRead more
UW beats MSU in women’s tennis
The University of Wyoming Cowgirls hosted the Metropolitan State University Denver Mustangs (MSUD) in a … UW beats MSU in women’s tennisRead more
Sites of public memory: Kenny Sailors
The University of Wyoming campus is filled with plaques and statues, each one holding a … Sites of public memory: Kenny SailorsRead more
Midnight fire in Orr hall
Early in the morning on Tuesday, Feb. 14, dorm room 209 in Orr Hall caught … Midnight fire in Orr hallRead more
Event celebrates Black 14 exhibit
From the week of July 17 to July 23, 2022, the University of Wyoming hosted … Event celebrates Black 14 exhibitRead more
ASUW Budget Chain of Command up for debate
ASUW met on Valentine’s Day for a record short hour-long meeting to learn about energy … ASUW Budget Chain of Command up for debateRead more
“Facing my own Blackness” A UW student’s journey with racial identify
Identity and belonging are concepts that mixed race individuals are acutely aware of and may … “Facing my own Blackness” A UW student’s journey with racial identifyRead more