UW Wrestling hosted California Baptist University Lancers (CBU) in a match at the UniWyo on … Cowboy Wrestling loses to CaliforniaRead more
Students shouldn’t need class excuses
Can I be excused? This phrase is taught to toddlers and instilled in children throughout … Students shouldn’t need class excusesRead more
UW Bus and SafeRide extend hours
The University of Wyoming Transit System will offer extended hours on the park-and-ride route from … UW Bus and SafeRide extend hoursRead more
History of the CSU vs. UW Border War
Colorado State University (CSU) has been a known rival of the Wyoming Cowboys for decades. … History of the CSU vs. UW Border WarRead more
UW community discusses campus safety
According to the Gun Violence Archive, as of Jan. 29, 2023, there have been 46 … UW community discusses campus safetyRead more
Outdoor Program hosts climbing trips
The University of Wyoming Outdoor Program’s coordinators and employees lead outdoor seasonal rock-climbing trips for … Outdoor Program hosts climbing tripsRead more
Peabody Energy gifts UW $500,000
Peabody, a prominent coal producer, gifted the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources (SER) … Peabody Energy gifts UW $500,000Read more
Students discuss TikTok Ban
On Monday, Jan. 23, the University of Wyoming implemented a campus-wide ban of the TikTok … Students discuss TikTok BanRead more
Wyoming considers banning chemical abortion
The original title of this post was “Wyoming Bans Abortion pills”. After review of comments … Wyoming considers banning chemical abortionRead more
Extra Ordinary: Angela Urrea
At times, it feels that in order to be noticed in this world, one has … Extra Ordinary: Angela UrreaRead more
Two too little; ASUW still not full despite new senators
The Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) have elected two new senators to … Two too little; ASUW still not full despite new senatorsRead more
Three UW alumni playing in the NFL playoffs
As the NFL season comes to a close and conference championships begin this weekend, three … Three UW alumni playing in the NFL playoffsRead more