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Organizers expect record number of employers

Mackenzie Thomas – Staff Writer

A record number of employers are signed up to participate in this week’s job fair. 

The fair will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 2 in the Wyoming Union Yellowstone Ballroom.

“Students can expect a record number of 61 employers for the job fair this Wednesday,” Tami Browning, one of the event coordinators, said.

Students should expect to be able to network with multiple employers on local, regional and national levels. 

The objective of the job fair is to allow students to start connecting with employers and looking at future opportunities. 

“This is a great chance for students to learn about different opportunities that will become available to them in the future,” Browning said.

She said this fair will help students who are close to graduating network with possible employers. 

Students who plan on attending the event should bring several copies of a polished resume, as this is crucial to touching base with the employers attending the event. Dressing professionally is also strongly recommended as this is a chance for students to impress possible future employers. 

“I recommend checking on Handshake, all students can access this website using their University of Wyoming username and password,” she said.

Handshake is a website which allows students access to job searches as well as employer profiles. Browning advises using this website before attending the career fair to ensure that students do their research on employers before meeting with them. 

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