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Creative creatures arrive at UW

Painter Stone – Staff Writer

The University of Wyoming is holding an expedition for participants to show off some creative prowess. 

Artists Troy Abbott and Enrique Gornez de Molina along with University of Wyoming Art Museum staff for a “Creative Creature Constructions” workshop Saturday. 

Workshop participants will choose between some of the plentiful stuffed animal models and modify them into their very own creatures and creations. Katie Christensen with the UW Art Museum said “We have a wide variety of things ranging from little articulate teddy bears, that their arms and legs move, to beanie babies’ raccoons.”   

Participants in the workshop can then use a videography app called Stop Motion Video to put their creature in a new environment, or to invent a narrative for the new creature.

This is the first time the Art Museum has hosted the “Creative Creature Constructions” workshop, but both artists have works on display in the museum. The exhibit in the museum is called “Re-Evolution” and features some of Gornez de Molina’s taxidermy of fantastical creatures as well as Abbott’s blend of technology and rustic antiques. 

Christensen said “The way that the two works juxtapose is just a really interesting commentary, that is worth coming to check out, kind of like the relationship between life and death; how we pay respect to living creatures after they are gone.” 

The “Re-Evolution” exhibit will be in the University of Wyoming’s Art Museum until Dec. 21.

There is a $20-dollar entrance fee for the workshop. Participants are asked to bring a stuffed animal that they are willing to donate to the workshop if they have one. The workshop is Oct. 5, in the University of Wyoming’s Art Museum and Studio.

Other events with the artists this week include:

A Lunchtime Conversation with the Curators this Wednesday from 12 to 1 p.m. at the UW Art Museum Galleries

Artists Demonstrations will be this Thursday from 5 to 7p.m. in the UW Art Museum Classroom & Studio 

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