Faculty Senate failed to pass its transparency in the presidential search resolution, though it did … Faculty SenateRead more
ASUW recognizes three student heroes
The Associated Students of the University of Wyoming held two special events last night. The … ASUW recognizes three student heroesRead more
'Beasts of the Southern Wild' brings realism to big screen
“Beasts of the Southern Wild” is one of the rare movies that feels less like … 'Beasts of the Southern Wild' brings realism to big screenRead more
IFC looks for change
A new semester and a new year bring a fresh set of faces to the … IFC looks for changeRead more
'Snowflake children' lack appreciation for hard work
“Everyone is different” sounds harsher than “everyone is special”. But today parents use the term … 'Snowflake children' lack appreciation for hard workRead more
Pentagon order allows military women to serve in combat
The Pentagon lifted the ban on women serving in military combat last Thursday, opening up … Pentagon order allows military women to serve in combatRead more
5 New Cowboys
It is that time of year again when the University’s sports teams begin recruiting new … 5 New CowboysRead more
Ups and downs of boosters
Money talks, especially when it comes to sports. With that said, where do teams find … Ups and downs of boostersRead more
A 'taste of Harlem'
University of Wyoming had a taste of Harlem Thursday at the keynote speech for MLK … A 'taste of Harlem'Read more
Wrestlers make changes
The University of Wyoming wrestling team has accomplished much and overcome many obstacles since their … Wrestlers make changesRead more
Men's hockey keeps winning record as season approaches end
Not many club sports are active this time of year, but the UW men’s hockey … Men's hockey keeps winning record as season approaches endRead more
'Sacred Music, Sacred Dance' enthralls viewers
As the final event of MLK Days of Dialogue, the Drepung Loseling monks enthralled spectators … 'Sacred Music, Sacred Dance' enthralls viewersRead more