Chaundra Sewell, a senior on the women’s basketball team here at the University of Wyoming, … Cowgirl basketball forward is player of the weekRead more
Republicans take Wyo
Although Romney won 98 percent of Wyoming’s vote, according to the Huffington Post, Barack Obama … Republicans take WyoRead more
Wrestling wins titles
The Cowboys wrestling team took away five titles from its first major tournament of the … Wrestling wins titlesRead more
ASUW approves $17,350 for three events
The Associated Students of the University of Wyoming at Tuesday’s senate meeting approved $17,350 for … ASUW approves $17,350 for three eventsRead more
Shaolin Jazz group to perform in Union Ballroom
The Shaolin Jazz Project, a group that blends jazz pieces with hip hop, will be … Shaolin Jazz group to perform in Union BallroomRead more
Chicks in the bathroom
As an equal opportunity commentator on the ridiculousness of the human race, I feel obligated, … Chicks in the bathroomRead more
Athletic trainers improve student-athlete wellness
There are many aspects of UW athletics that make the university stand out among the … Athletic trainers improve student-athlete wellnessRead more
'In the Mood'
Even among the very young, talk of the 1940s stirs up images of Japanese fighter … 'In the Mood'Read more
2012 Presidential Results: Obama likely to win re-election
As of 9:24 p.m. mountain time: *Results are still coming in, and states that are … 2012 Presidential Results: Obama likely to win re-electionRead more
2012 Presidential Results: Live Updates
As of 9:13 p.m. mountain time: Barack Obama: 249 Electoral Votes Vermont (3) Maine (4) Massachusetts … 2012 Presidential Results: Live UpdatesRead more
2012 Presidential Results: Live Updates
As of 8:50 p.m. mountain time: Barack Obama: 172 Electoral Votes Vermont (3) Maine (4) Massachusetts … 2012 Presidential Results: Live UpdatesRead more
2012 Presidential Results: Live Updates
As of 8:50 p.m. mountain time: Barack Obama: 172 Electoral Votes Vermont (3) Maine (4) Massachusetts … 2012 Presidential Results: Live UpdatesRead more