For more information on the La Taifas Quartet visit the BI article “Moldovan Band.”
Microwave meals
With a little planning and a little space in the mini fridge, students can eat … Microwave mealsRead more
UW ends losing streak
Sophomore forwards Larry Nance Jr. and Derek Cooke Jr. both notched double-doubles to pace the … UW ends losing streakRead more
Artist Noah Scalin litters the floor with skulls
What was once the spacious floor of the Visual Arts lobby now contains a large … Artist Noah Scalin litters the floor with skullsRead more
UW athletics offer unique opportunities
When temperatures begin dropping below zero and campus starts to look like a winter “not-so” … UW athletics offer unique opportunitiesRead more
Walmart's issues
I, like the rest of Laradise, have a limited number of places at which to … Walmart's issuesRead more
Flu season worsens
As the United States faces one of its worst flu seasons in recent years, health … Flu season worsensRead more
India gang rape suspects plead not guilty
While the men and women of the University of Wyoming are joining the internationally recognized … India gang rape suspects plead not guiltyRead more
"Ni no Kuni" provides disappointing story, exciting visuals and play
I hate chosen ones. When there’s some big destiny involved with a clueless “chosen” dork, … "Ni no Kuni" provides disappointing story, exciting visuals and playRead more
UW ranks nationally in top 20 for best value
A recent survey has ranked the University of Wyoming 11th out of the top 100 … UW ranks nationally in top 20 for best valueRead more
Player of the Week
Reaching her second year in collegiate basketball, sophomore Kayla Woodward has made quite the name … Player of the WeekRead more
UW pom squad
If you have attended any football or basketball games this year, you will notice that … UW pom squadRead more