Students can expect an increase in fees for the 2022-23 school year with an additional four new fees.
On January 18th, President Hunter Swilling reported to the ASUW Senate that the Board of Trustees approved a multitude of increases to student fees just before the start of classes.
Swilling regarded the decision by the Board as “a significant win in cost savings for first-year students.”
The most notable of the increases will only affect incoming first-year students. Labeled the “Saddle Up” fee, freshmen can expect a new $200 charge.
“This is a significant improvement, if you remember they were originally suggesting a $400 fee,” Swilling said addressing the student congress. “So we cut that in half based on strong recommendation from The ASUW.”
Students will also see a $15 Union fee on their bills for the fall semester. It, like the “Saddle Up” fee, was cut in half thanks to lobbying from the ASUW.
This fee will go toward supporting the Union’s structure and function. Particularly a new roof which is estimated to cost roughly $238,000 according to Swilling.
Other new fees all students will pay include a $6.25 fee (an amount recommended by the ASUW) going to food security, creating a permanent source of funds for programs such as Meal Swipe Sharing and The Food Share Pantry.
An additional $4.50 fee (also ASUW recommended) will be included for interpersonal violence, supporting programs like Green Dot.
The Board of Trustees also made major changes for distance students. Students attending the University remotely can plan on a $35 increase in fees per credit hour, but will now no longer have to pay other student fees.
“Meaning they save net money compared to what they would have on the original fee proposal,” Swilling said. These students are expected to save $200 on average.
Much of the savings distance students will experience is due to no longer having to pay the student services fee ($440.)
To learn more about the original ASUW recommendation, click here.