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ASUW Vice-President resigns due to lack of support

ASUW Vice-President Kathryne Carrier will be resigning from her position within ASUW as of 3 p.m. on Friday Nov 4, 2022. 

Carrier explained that she has various reasons for leaving ASUW, and that the situation is quite sensitive. 

“Leaving ASUW was not an easy decision for me but one that I am making for many personal reasons including school, family, and the culture of ASUW,” Carrier told the Branding Iron.

Additionally, Carrier cited a lack of support within her position as part of her reason for leaving. 

“I will acknowledge that part of my resignation does have to do with the fact that I have received a lack of support in my position as Vice President from numerous people in ASUW and felt that I no longer wanted to be a part of an organization that I am not valued, supported, respected, or heard,” Carrier said. 

Carrier chose to focus on the positives in her interactions with the Branding Iron expressing that she is proud of the work ASUW is accomplishing. 

“I am proud of what I have accomplished in the Senate during my time as Vice President and am proud of each and every Senator I have gotten the chance to work with and lead. Each in their own have been incredibly inspiring to me,” Carrier said.

“I do not leave with any resentment towards the organization, but with hope for what the future holds for ASUW.”

ASUW President Brown expressed grief regarding Carrier’s resignation and shared a written statement with the Branding Iron, but ultimately declined to comment further on the situation out of respect for Carrier’s privacy.

“Kathryne will certainly be missed in the office, and in her absence I am committed to working to address the issues in ASUW that led her to resign, especially our issues with advising and support for current leaders,” Brown said.

ASUW will be speaking directly regarding Carrier’s resignation and ASUW’s upcoming plans at ASUW Senate, Tuesday Oct. 8, at 7:00pm in the ASUW Senate rooms on the second floor of the Union.  

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