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First veteran-focused skilled nursing facility opens in Wyoming

The Wyoming Veterans Commission (WVC), in partnership with the State of Wyoming and Wyoming Department of Health, officially opened Wyoming’s first Veterans’ Skilled Nursing Facility on Oct. 20, 2022. 

The Veterans’ Skilled Nursing Facility consists of 3 cottages, each with 12 bedrooms and communal living spaces, specifically designed to give residents the feeling of being in their own home. 

“Nursing is available at the skilled nursing facility, but people have their own rooms, they’re free to roam about,” Kenneth “Ken” Persson Sr., the Vice Chairman of the WVC, said. 

“It’s what they call a green living environment, which allows them to be something closer to what they would have if they were home and on their own. There’s just a little bit of additional care available to them.”

The facility is co-located with the Veterans’ Home of Wyoming in Buffalo, but serves a different purpose. 

“[The Veteran’s Skilled Nursing Facility] addresses some other needs and another portion of our veterans population that the State Veterans Home does not. The State Veterans Home is a little more ‘assisted living,’ than the veteran skilled nursing facility,” Persson said.

The Veterans’ Skilled Nursing Facility is also available to families of veterans as needed.

“The Skilled Nursing Facility is open to others than just veterans. It applies to spouses, [and] it applies to Gold Star family members of veterans honorably discharged,” Persson said.

Funding for the project was provided by the WVC and Wyoming State.

“The Veterans Administration made funding available, and they funded 65% of the cost of that facility. The Wyoming Legislature funded the other 35%,” Persson said.

“The monies that are collected from the folks that stay there, either as their contribution or as a VA benefit, goes back to the state.”

The project was originally estimated to cost 27 million dollars, but the facility was finished under budget according to Persson. 

There is a possibility that more Skilled Nursing Facilities may be built throughout the state in the future.

“The possibility exists for an additional skilled nursing facility, should that need arrive, and I think it’s kind of a standing offer from the Veterans Administration, depending on the need, to be able to fund additional skilled nursing facilities,” Persson said.

“If we had them in other places around the state, it would be more convenient for veterans and families if they were located in different places. The location depends on the need, the demographics of the area, and the cost.”

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon spoke at the ribbon cutting, celebrating the completion of the facility. In the press release for the event, Gordon stated:

“Our veterans are an integral part of Wyoming’s rich heritage, and it is an honor to celebrate the completion of the first veterans skilled nursing facility in Wyoming.”

“Veterans, and their families, embody the spirit of Wyoming through their courageous and selfless actions to protect the liberties we hold dear. This beautiful facility reflects the honor and dignity owed to those who sacrificed so much to protect our way of life.”

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