My professor asked us a question in class that I still do not know how … Definition of 'religion'Read more
Standout tennis player
Having traveled to Wyoming from Bratislava, Slovakia, Sasa Nemcova, a tennis player and this week’s … Standout tennis playerRead more
The 'weirdness' of syllabus week
After completing yet another first week of classes, I feel compelled to talk about the … The 'weirdness' of syllabus weekRead more
Low health care literacy
The people of the United States have an increasingly apparent struggle maintaining high health literacy. … Low health care literacyRead more
Judge sides with media in UW president search case
The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees must disclose the finalists for the university’s next … Judge sides with media in UW president search caseRead more
Censorship bill
The Associated Students of the University of Wyoming failed to pass Resolution 2379: ASUW Support … Censorship billRead more
Swirling controversy makes a comeback
After University of Wyoming administration removed the “Carbon Sink” artwork made from logs from Rocky … Swirling controversy makes a comebackRead more
Wyoming Legislature abortion bills target fetal heartbeats
A new bill in the Wyoming Legislature calls to prohibit abortions if a fetal heartbeat … Wyoming Legislature abortion bills target fetal heartbeatsRead more
Marijuana legalization
In December 2012, Colorado legalized marijuana for recreational use. This new law has been met … Marijuana legalizationRead more
Sweet Melissa's
Growing up in Wyoming, I used to think that the word “vegetarian” meant “bad hunter” … Sweet Melissa'sRead more
Debate over abortion rages on
There are a few topics that will drive friends and family apart, where people feel … Debate over abortion rages onRead more