When a new president arrives at the University of Wyoming next year, the head of … Foreseen problems for next UW presRead more
Microwave fruit crisp for one
The end of the semester is here. Every waking moment is spent cramming for finals, … Microwave fruit crisp for oneRead more
UW’s outdoor program 2nd place to win $10,000
As of Nov. 14, UW is in the running to win $10,000 for its outdoor … UW’s outdoor program 2nd place to win $10,000Read more
Job prospects for graduates improving
Though the outlook for the economy may seem bleak, there is still hope for upcoming … Job prospects for graduates improvingRead more
Pearl Harbor Day
Governor Matt Mead has proclaimed that Friday Dec. 7, 2012 be Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. … Pearl Harbor DayRead more
ASUW has a bit of an ego problem
From the $100,000 Steamboat statue to the $170,00 birthday bash, it would seem that ASUW … ASUW has a bit of an ego problemRead more
Laramie lights
With the holiday season underway, the City of Laramie is decking the halls with a … Laramie lightsRead more
BI staff calls for candidate names
In November, three news organizations moved to sue the University of Wyoming for keeping the … BI staff calls for candidate namesRead more
UW Heritage Center to undergo remediation
The American Heritage Center will receive remediation as soon as school is out in May … UW Heritage Center to undergo remediationRead more
Entertainment diversity
Concerts and Convocations, UW’s own committee of entertainment marketers, works to bring in big name … Entertainment diversityRead more
Athlete of the week
Luke Martinez has been a key player for the Cowboys so far this season. He … Athlete of the weekRead more
Exploring African Cultures fundraiser continues
The fundraiser hosted by students from the class “Images of a Continent, Old, and New: … Exploring African Cultures fundraiser continuesRead more