Of the 100 crops that provide 90 percent of the world’s food, over 70 are … UW student counts bees to study climate changeRead more
Organizations host recruitment event
Various campus organizations came together Wednesday to inform students about their causes on RSO and … Organizations host recruitment eventRead more
Cowboys to play first home game of the season
The Wyoming Cowboys return to War Memorial Stadium on Saturday to host their 2012 home … Cowboys to play first home game of the seasonRead more
UW artist brings awareness through artwork
All art has a purpose. Art decorates people’s lives. Art can start conversations and create … UW artist brings awareness through artworkRead more
Positives to be taken from RNC
As a member of the College Republicans of UW and a strong conservative, I cannot … Positives to be taken from RNCRead more
Day Lot, meter violations add up during first week of fall semester
Transit and Parking Services issued 75 tickets during the first week of classes. Many of … Day Lot, meter violations add up during first week of fall semesterRead more
Campus safety still a concern for UW
Vice President of Student Affairs Sara Axelson said about 40 percent of her job is … Campus safety still a concern for UWRead more
Religious differences shouldn't sway voters
This November, the American people will have a choice. A choice of which candidate they … Religious differences shouldn't sway votersRead more
Laramie Pagan Pride Day brings community together
The term Pagan for some connotes darkness and evil. Others may conjure up mental images … Laramie Pagan Pride Day brings community togetherRead more
ASUW votes down proposed grading change
ASUW voted to maintain the current grading system at its Tuesday meeting. Opinions on switching … ASUW votes down proposed grading changeRead more
Solutions for messy roommate woes
“Dear Zoe, One of my roommates constantly leaves dirty dishes in the sink, hair in … Solutions for messy roommate woesRead more
UW soccer defeats Eastern Washington at home
A heavy offensive attack in the first half of the Cowgirls’ soccer game led to … UW soccer defeats Eastern Washington at homeRead more