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Meet Baylee Drewry: Miss Wyoming

Baylee Drewry, featuring an impressive set of titles under her belt as Miss Wyoming Teen, Miss University of Wyoming, and Miss Wyoming, looks to the future as she continues on her exciting journey. 

Baylee Drewry began doing pageants when she was 15. She was “extremely bullied in high school and needed an outlet outside of school sanctioned activities” In 2020, just a year after she began, she was crowned Miss Wyoming Teen at the age of 16. 

When asked about all the work in her journey, Drewry said, “the work that I’ve done to become Miss Wyoming in any capacity has been a lot. I actually am a wrestling coach for the Cowboy Kids Wrestling Club and I am also a softball coach for two teams in the Laramie area. That helping me to get to be Miss Wyoming has impacted me. It has impacted me in the people I’ve met and the opportunities I’ve gotten to be a part of.”

When asked about the significance of the Miss UW and Miss Wyoming titles Drewry emphasized that it is, “significant because you are representing a group of people and relying on them to support you. First I was trying to support UW in the best way possible and now I am representing Wyoming at Miss America.” 

The impacts Drewry has strived to make have shined through in her organization, “Support Girls and Women in Sports.” In addition, the role has allowed her to, “become a pro-mentor for anti-bullying, life mentoring, or being an intermediate in the classroom. Sometimes I go to school with these kids to help them feel safe. I have my foot in the door with a lot of different things. 

As far as the future, Drewry iterates, “Law school is top priority.” It is Drewry’s last semester here at UW and she will be graduating with an undergrad in history and a concentration in Eastern Religion. Drewry added that she also hopes to be, “top 15 in Miss America. Miss Wyoming has not made the top 15 in many years and to open that door for so many girls is really important to me. Seeing this experience and what happens after is really important. I can’t tell you what will happen for sure but I know that because of the work I have been doing, it will affect my life for a long time.” 

When asked if there was anything else she wanted to add, Drewry offered, “Ask girls to check us out. A huge group competed from the university [of Wyoming] who just did it for fun to try it out. You don’t have to be a pageant girl to do it. Everyone comes in with their own experiences. Give us a fair chance and try something new.”

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