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UW to hold 101st homecoming parade

It is an eventful week in Laramie as the University of Wyoming celebrates to build up to homecoming. The annual homecoming parade is slated for 11 a.m. Saturday, at the intersection of 14th St. and Grand Ave.

UW Alumni Association Affinity Network Coordinator Colter Anderson said homecoming has gone on since 1923, making this the 101st year of celebration.

Approximately 80 entries, including walking groups and floats, will participate. Involved organizations include Miss Wyoming, UniWyo Credit Union, Laramie Middle School, Laramie High School, Laramie Amateur Hockey Club, Wyoming Job’s Daughters, several local political candidates and the local Democratic and Republican Parties. “This will be a big one,” Anderson said.

While this is a substantial parade, Anderson said last year’s was slightly larger. Anderson credited previous ANC Samme Eisenhauer for the 100th anniversary parade, which featured 101 entries. Both parades are above average by Anderson’s count. He said the usual parade has anywhere from 70 to 75 entries.

Anderson said that he appreciates all that the title sponsor, UniWyo Credit Union, does in support of the University of Wyoming.

The parade will last for approximately an hour and a half, with the final parade crossing the finish line (at 2nd St. and Ivinson Ave.) at approximately 12:30 p.m.

Sophomore Catcher Russell, who attended last year’s parade, plans on continuing his streak. Of the 2023 parade, he told the Branding Iron, “It was amazing to see all of the different aspects of the university represented! You can really tell that everyone is encouraged to participate.” He also recalled the variety of participants. “There were floats for everything from the College of Business to the football team.”

I grew up in Wyoming, I am a UW graduate and I absolutely love homecoming week,” Anderson said, emphasizing that it is an opportunity for not only students, but for the entire state to celebrate. “We’re grateful for everyone who’s entered to participate in the parade and for everyone who’s coming to see it. We’re really excited to see everyone on Saturday.”

Russell said he hopes this year’s parade will have a higher community turnout. “Last year’s parade had mostly student attendees, but with any luck, this year we can encourage Laramie to join the celebration.”

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