GEAR UP Wyoming hosted a celebration as part of National GEAR UP Week on Friday … GEAR UP celebrates seven years on campusRead more
Alumni climbs Everest second time, will tell tale
University of Wyoming alumnus Mark Jenkins was part of the U.S. Everest North Face Expedition … Alumni climbs Everest second time, will tell taleRead more
UW harriers gain steam at Montana invite
The University of Wyoming men’s and women’s cross-country teams posted high marks at Saturday’s Montana … UW harriers gain steam at Montana inviteRead more
Cowgirl soccer team splits weekend games
The Cowgirls soccer team played a packed weekend as it took on the Colorado Buffaloes … Cowgirl soccer team splits weekend gamesRead more
Romney can't 'have his cake and eat it, too'
Candidate Romney has a problem. A (hopefully) small number of his base supporters happen to … Romney can't 'have his cake and eat it, too'Read more
Football record calls for support
The University of Wyoming football team stands at 0-3. Most fans would give up or … Football record calls for supportRead more
RSO funding board approves Diwali, human rights band
The Registered Student Organization funding board voted Monday to approve two cultural events, a concert … RSO funding board approves Diwali, human rights bandRead more
UW Cheerleaders boost enthusiasm at events
Leading the student section in cheers and chants during big sporting events, the University of … UW Cheerleaders boost enthusiasm at eventsRead more
Study abroad opportunities offer excitement, diversity for UW student
Italy, Paris and Barcelona – most people have heard of these places, but how many … Study abroad opportunities offer excitement, diversity for UW studentRead more
University of Wyoming Law Students
UW’s first year law students are slowly making the necessary adjustments to their new demanding … University of Wyoming Law StudentsRead more
From orphaned pony to Cowboy legend
An orphaned Shetland pony back in 1950 would turn out to be the beginning of … From orphaned pony to Cowboy legendRead more
Great Lakes Airlines bids Laramie farewell
Great Lakes Airlines will discontinue its services to Laramie in November after the contract to … Great Lakes Airlines bids Laramie farewellRead more