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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Most mental disorders have first onset between 18 and 22 years of age. It is not surprising, therefore, that emotional and mental health problems are highly prevalent among college students. The University of Wyoming’s Counseling Center (the “UCC”) and the College of Education’s Counselor Education and Training Clinic (the “CETC”) offer services to those seeking mental health support. Even with these progressive services, resources available to students are stretched thin.

We know that therapy is most effective when conducted in a private setting, where the counselor and the client can speak freely, to engage in private, confidential discussion about life and its many challenges. Therefore, a quiet, uninterrupted space and time is crucial to promote continued growth and understanding.

Did you know that there is a segment of the UW student body that utilizes counseling services not affiliated with the University? They use their own therapists for continuing support. And many of those students have elected to continue therapy while at school with their own counselors utilizing what is known as “cyber counseling.” They are able to talk to a counselor using various Web-based tools such as FaceTime, Skype and Zoom.

Sadly, and despite a University “pilot program” to support distance counseling – a program that was not renewed by the Administration – there is no official support for those students seeking a private place to engage in such therapy.

Although the University is not responsible for any student’s mental health, I do believe it is in the best interest of the University to support students in this realm. When resources are made available to students – in this case, private, secure locations to conference – they are empowered to utilize those resources for their benefit. The result is often the achievement of greater academic and life success.

I urge students who would benefit from private, secure spaces to conduct therapy by mode of web conferencing, to voice this request to the University Counseling Center and to ask that the Distance Counseling Program be renewed.


Kate Brooks

UW Junior

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