Dear Zoe,
How do I fit in more exercise into my schedule?
— Feeling lazy
Dear Feeling lazy,
College feels like and unending juggling act. There are homework assignments to finish, a huge pile of books to read, tests to study for, and work and personal lives all competing for students’ time. It is hard for many of us to find an extra hour in the day to visit the gym when in the back of your mind you think you could be studying.
Science has long shown that exercising helps fight depression and obesity. We all know we should exercise, but some of the roadblocks can be hard to overcome. Some people equate exercise to gym class — a time where you could receive negative attention due to your athletic ability. Also, if you know you are out of shape, putting in the time and effort to get to your desired performance level can be difficult.
Exercise does not have to be a competition. You will not receive a grade on going to the gym. No one has to know how much you can bench press or how far you ran on the treadmill. It may seem that the gym is full of intimidating jocks, but the vast majority of the people there want to stay in shape and feel good about their bodies. They could not care less about what you are doing.
To help with motivation I find it helps to join a group. Being part of a group incorporates a social aspect that can be a fun way to meet new people and the peer pressure can help motivate you to push your self and continue to show up. Fit in exercise when you can. Mark in an hour at the gym on your calendar and eliminate your excuses.
If you can, wake up at five in the morning and go for a swim, go on a midnight run or put in an hour on the stair master. Exercise should not be shoved to the side.