Charitable donations seem to go up for nearly every organization across the country during the holiday season, and it is no different in Laramie.
One organization offers a unique way for the Laramie community to help. The Salvation Army Angel Tree gives residents a chance to make holiday dreams come true for a boy or girl within the community.
An “Angel” is a needy boy or girl from birth to age 18. Families in the Laramie area can sign up at the Salvation Army office, 100 S. 2nd St, up to Dec. 7.
“Last year the Angel Tree program helped 247 Laramie area children,” Kyla Montoya, service center coordinator for the Laramie Salvation Army, said.
This year, she expects that number to be higher.
Circle K at the University of Wyoming, a UW recognized student organization, had a tree set up last week in the Wyoming Union breezeway, and passersby could pick up tags with the names of needy boys or girls.
“Normally, we don’t put the names on the tags,” Montoya said.
Usually the tags are coded with “boy” or “girl” and the age. The tags also show clothing sizes and suggestions for toys the boy or girl might like to have.
“The gifts have to be new,” Montoya said.
At minimum, they would like the gifts to include one toy and one clothing item, but usually people give more, Montoya said.
Montoya could not say exactly how long the Angel Tree has been around, but she did say that it has been a long time.
“I have been here for 20 years,” Montoya said, “and we had the Angel Tree at least that long.”
Besides the tree that Circle K set up in the Union, there also is one set up at Applebee’s. Wal-Mart will have an Angel Tree set up beginning Dec. 1. The deadline to buy and drop off the “Angel” gifts is Dec. 15.
Many people do not realize that the Salvation Army is more than red kettles and volunteers ringing a bell asking for donations during the holiday season. It is more than the Angel Tree. The Salvation Army operates all year and the donations they receive help families in need across the country.
For those interested in helping during the holiday season, the Salvation Army still needs volunteers to man the red kettles, Montoya said. People also will be needed to assemble food baskets and wrap gifts. Anyone interested in donating their time can call 742-5414.