The Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL) hosted its annual Student Organization Awards on Wednesday, April 13, in the Yellowstone Ballroom.
There were ten awards total that recognized different clubs and people across campus Student Organization Coordinator Gilbert Falcon announced the event.
“We have ten different organizations and individuals that we’re going to be honoring for the work over this past year. I often say I do this part not alone but truly with colleagues and individuals in the student leaders in these spaces. I truly couldn’t do it without you,” Falcon said.
The first award presented was the best poster of the year. There were three nominees, and the winner was chosen based on color scheme, content, creativity, and compliance. The winner of the award was the Japanese Conversational Club.
Next, they announced the winner of the best event of the year, which went to Cowboy Country Swing Club for ‘Dirt Dance Tribute to Steamboat.’
Then, the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) student chapter won the New Student Org of the Year. This was followed by Chi Omega, who won the community service award.
The event shifted from clubs to participants, with the Emerging Leader of the Year award going to Sigma Chi sophomore Cole Schilebe.
They then announced Student Org Leader of the Year, which went to two different nominees.
“You did not make this easy for me or to determine an individual when it comes to leading in the ways that our student or community,” Falcon said.
“So we decided to challenge the process a little bit, and we chose two friends to honor tonight.”
The first award recipient was America Martinez from the Middle East and North Africa Cultural Club. The second was Caden Callaway, a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity,
Falcon shifted the focus from undergraduates to graduate students. The individual to receive the award in recognition of their leadership as the Graduate Student Org Leader of the Year was Paolina Rose from the Associated Students Interested in China..
Liz Rader, from Chi Omega, was honored next, winning the Advisor of the Year award. Dilnoza Khalislova followed, winning Student Orgs Advocate of the Year for her work in the Global Engagement Office.
The award presentation ended with the Sara Axelson Outstanding Student Org of the Year Award, which was presented by Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Kim Chestnut.
“Sara Axelson was a previous Vice President for Student Affairs, and not that I don’t, but she like legitimately like held the students in her heart and in her hands,” Chesnut said.
“And so the recipient of this award speaks to when we care beyond ourselves when we show up, and we do our work because we’re invested, but we’re doing things that go outside of our own needs.
Chesnut then awarded the Student Org of The Year Award to the Queer Community Coalition.
“In the midst of a particularly difficult school year, this community shined. They rose to the challenge to provide a space that offers a healing community and a sense of belonging and not just to those on campus but throughout their community,” Chesnut said.

Org Leader of the Year. (Photo by Carissa Mosness)