Sweet Melissa’s on First Street in Laramie offers a variety of affordable and delectable menu options for gluten-free diners, such as Taco Salad.
Growing up in Wyoming, I used to think that the word “vegetarian” meant “bad hunter” and that I would never wander into any restaurant that had that word in its name. I was convinced that all the meals would be overpriced, undersized and have a bland, tofu taste. However, from the second I walked into Sweet Melissa’s Vegetarian Café, all my previous biases were destroyed. The food was delectable and a full meal with a friend—an appetizer, two entrees and a dessert—only added up to about $30.
I went with my friend Gabby, and when we looked at our menus her face lit up. Sweet Melissa’s has a gluten-free menu for her to order from. There is no need to pepper the waiter with the question of what contained gluten or chance consuming a gluten-containing dish. It also was not a small menu with lackluster choices, but a full-page menu that let her choose the meal that she wanted instead of the one she had to settle for.
“It is extremely hard to find true gluten-free food in Laramie,” she said. “I usually have to get a basic salad when I go to eat because I always get dirty looks when I try to customize my food.”
I was a bit more skeptical as I browsed the menu until I found one of my favorite dishes—country fried steak with mashed potatoes and biscuits or, as the menu said, country fried seitan with sweet potato biscuits.
I knew if I liked this, I would not be able to write off vegetarian dishes. It was delicious. I was convinced that I was actually eating meat instead of the healthier option. Vegetarian and vegan foods were not bad after all.
After browsing the gluten-free menu, Gabby ordered the small taco salad.
“It was really good and the portion was enormous,” she said. “I ordered a small but it was not that small. I don’t think I would change anything about the salad.”
After having our appetites fully satisfied by the vegetarian option, we decided to split a gluten-free vegan cheesecake with a raspberry glaze. This dessert is made with coconut milk rather than cream cheese so I was able to indulge myself without having to worry about buttoning my pants the next day. Despite what my last bit of skepticism said about a vegan dessert, Gabby and I both loved it. We wound up scraping the bottom of the plate, trying to get the last bit of the glaze.
However, the best part of the meal was the artichoke dip appetizer. We agreed that it was the best in town. Eating the dish served with vegetables, Gabby and I were both able to enjoy it with just enough to go around. We had peppers, celery, carrots and broccoli to use instead of chips and each one had a unique taste to discover. We both appreciated a variance from the typical chip and dip flavor.
Sweet Melissa’s has it all — and without the meat. It has food for every taste, is conscious of allergies, it is well prepared and, most importantly, is affordable on a budget. Despite not being a vegetarian, I definitely would go back for more.

Country Fried Seitan and Sweet Potato Biscuits is one of the delectable menu items offered at Sweet Melissa’s Vegetarian Cafe on First Street in Laramie.