With midterms coming up this week, stress and burnout is a major concern. Stress and burnout can come from a heavy homework load, cramming for exams, and a lot of outside factors. Burnout and stress are inevitable, but there are ways to handle it.
Do not last minute cram. I know this sounds tempting, and I have been guilty of doing this as well, but studying for 12 hours the night before an exam honestly won’t help you too much. Your brain can only accept so much information at a time, so trying to memorize months of material in a night won’t help you learn half of it. It’s also bad for your mental health to not take breaks, and push yourself too far. Instead of last minute cramming, set up a study schedule for the week. Two hours of studying a day will be alot more beneficial, and will take some of the stress away.
Know your limits. Just like last minute cramming, your brain can only do so much. It’s important to acknowledge your limits. If you are having trouble learning something, ask your professors for help or go into tutoring. Everyone has a class that doesn’t come as easy. Knowing that can help you make a plan on how you are going to move forward. If you push yourself to do something you don’t know how to do, it can negatively affect your self-esteem, and add more unnecessary stress. Your professors want you to succeed and will be excited to help you.
Practice some self care. School is important. It’s why we are all here. That being said, being healthy is even more important. Taking some quality time can help you relax and minimize burnout. Whether you do a spa night at home, or take yourself out to the movies, you are doing something for yourself that will help you relax and feel happier. If you aren’t in the right headspace, you won’t be productive. Instead, take care of yourself first.
Seek help. Sometimes burnout and stress can have a really serious effect on someone’s life. It’s important to know when to ask for help. If you find yourself not being able to complete simple tasks, because you’re so drained or anxious, consider taking advantage of the University Counseling. There is no shame in needing some extra help.
College can be really stressful, and we will all have burnout at some point in our lives. Especially at this time of the semester, it’s important to know what you need to succeed. Stress and burnout can be avoidable as long as you listen to yourself and know what needs to be done. Good luck this week!